Shipping Nightmares

Shipping Nightmaresfeatured

  Shipping Nightmares Since I briefly mentioned my personal struggles with shipping in Star vs. the Forces of Evil Season 1 Review, I though it would be fun to go ahead and mention my personal worst shipping nightmares. Again for those that don’t know, shipping is the act of a fan base romantically linking two Read more

Canaan Review

Canaan Reviewfeatured

Canaan Review Week 3 of the ABC Challenge and C is Cookie and that’s good enough for me. Kidding, kidding, some Sesame Street humor there. C is actually for Canaan. I chose Canaan because I’d never seen it but had heard from several people had Liang Qi is one of the most psychotic anime characters Read more

Bump in the Night Review

Bump in the Night Reviewfeatured

  Bump in the Night Review In the second my of ABC challenge reviews, B is for Bump in the Night. It was actually really difficult to find a series to watch this week. If I was going to review an anime series, I already picked that I was going to do Baccano! because I’ve Read more

Another Review

Another Reviewfeatured

Another Review This is the first review in my ABC Challenge series. In this case, A will be for Another. This week I felt like watching a horror or mystery series. My coin flip genre determination came out with me having to watch an anime series. Logically, I thought I’m going to watch Another, it Read more

ABC Challenge Announcement

ABC Challenge Announcementfeatured

  ABC Challenge Announcement I thought it would be fun to start a little challenge for myself for the blog. I thought about it for a bit and I wanted the challenge to have some level of difficulty without being completely impossible. So I figured something a bit time-consuming but still very fun could be Read more

Star vs. the Forces of Evil Season 1 Review

Star vs. the Forces of Evil Season 1 Reviewfeatured

  Star vs. the Forces of Evil Season 1 Review I’ll admit to being a creature of habit. In this case what I mean is, I usually gravitate towards cartoons from my youth. This is nothing against modern-day cartoons, in fact I believe we are experiencing a resurgence in the quality of cartoons. This is Read more

Top 10 Best Non-Disney Animated Films

Top 10 Best Non-Disney Animated Filmsfeatured

  Top 10 Best Non-Disney Animated Films Whenever people think of great animated films there is a very certain company that immediately comes to people’s minds. That company obviously being Disney. When I was thinking of a potential top 10 topic my mind went to, top 10 best animated films of all time. During the Read more

Over the Garden Wall Review

Over the Garden Wall Reviewfeatured

Over the Garden Wall Review Ok, I am rarely as late to the party as I was on this one. I remember when the original airing was going on for Over the Garden Wall. I missed the first couple days of the airing so I chose to hold off and watch it later. I’m not Read more

Pokemon vs Digimon

Pokemon vs Digimonfeatured

  Pokémon vs Digimon From when I was a kid, one of my favorite things to do was watch Pokémon and Digimon. It was basically a Saturday tradition to wake up and watch them. The thing I remember the most was the constant Pokémon vs Digimon marathon battles they would have. And now into my Read more



Hello and welcome to my blog. I am the Cartoon Pundit. Just to give a brief introduction for my blog and me, I was a kid of the very late 80s and thus I got to experience firsthand, the renaissance for cartoons which was the early 90s. With all the new and great cartoons that Read more
